The GREEN-STEM postgraduate scholarships (funded by the European Union) is calling on eligible female African students to apply for its Master’s and PhD scholarships.
GREEN-STEM scholarships will empower up to 92 young talents, students and staff to experience intra-Africa mobility in the partner institution from short to long term. The first call is open now to women for full programs in one of the green-stem partner universities. Scholarships are only available when the HOST university (where you will study) is different from the HOME university (where you are studying or you have studied).
The GREEN-STEM project, which is part of the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, is a cross-regional mobility cooperation by a consortium made of the University of Nairobi (Kenya), the University of Lagos (Nigeria), the University of Rwanda (Rwanda), the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa) and, in Europe, the University of Paris Science et Lettres (France). It addresses the serious challenges faced by most African countries such as: Low development, Under-capacity and inadequate Higher Education systems, Youth unemployment lack of human capacities and Sensitivity to their carbonized economies.
GREEN-STEM’s mission is to put African Universities at the forefront of Sustainable and Green development and to empower their leadership to tackle the Climate Change impacts by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
GREEN-STEM prepares for a Higher Education, Research and Innovation space in Africa to multiply and enrich national capacities. The program grantees, students and staff, will constitute a pool of multi-cultural and entrepreneurial young talents who will serve societal needs and challenges.
Study Programme: Postgraduate
Eligible Countries: African Students
Country Host: Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda and France
Scholarship Reward: Fully Funded, stipend, travel fare
Eligibility Criteria for the Scholarship for Africans
- Women of African nationality and resident in an African country, Registered/admitted in or having obtained a degree from one of the GREEN-STEM African partners
- Women of African nationality and resident in an African country, registered/admitted in or having obtained a degree from another University which is not participating as a partner but is established in Africa. This GREEN-STEM first call is restricted to TG2 from AFRETEC universities.
- Women with specific needs or assistance are welcome and will be supported during their mobility.
Benefits of the Scholarship
- Master’s degree program: Monthly allowance worth €890
- Doctoral Degree program: Monthly allowance: €1230
- Application fees, visa and insurance contribution
- Travel costs are at the grantee’s expenses
- Tuition fees are waived for the grantees
Application Process
For further information please CLICK HERE to visit the official website
Application status: Closed
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