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How to solve your depression from my own experience (Am not an Expert)



Hey guys, I am Henry by name I live in Anambra, Nigeria and am here to give you some tips that work for me while am suffering from depression and anxiety.

Let’s cut long words short and dive into the solutions

in my own experience how my depression occurs is so confusing and frustrating but whenever it happens I quickly engage in some positive stuff like:

  1. solving of the puzzle:

I engage myself in playing some online games and my favourite one that works quickly is playing chess which could distract you from thinking about any situation you’re in because you are playing the game against a real opponent which you would like to win and even if you lose the positive vibe you got which is feeling bad of losing is good rather than thinking of the recent mood you’re on and the causes of those things that brought in the depression mood.

2. Playing of Music:

I sometimes get freed from deep thinking which always ends me up with depressed vibes when playing music and singing along with it I forget my depresssion, my favourite music I enjoy is some cool music with deep meaning about life and the artist I enjoy most listening to is Juice WRLD, even though his dead but the music he left behind have a lot of impacts that changes how you think about life because this world of no man home.

as I said earlier I am not an expert and if you enjoy this content and it works for you please kindly comment below I will really appreciate that.

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